Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Facebook Unremove Post
And then I complain that I write ... yes, already had a while that you were denied the pleasure of knowing in my life, but here I am back, so this is a summary of my recent activities.
Tequisquiapan I went to Ari. The village is quite nice and the hotel where we were amazing. Living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bathroom wau! We went to a baresito in night, but left the classic where the group begins well and then suddenly breaks down, there was even a wannabe Buki. The good thing for that part we were playing pool and became milder. In the souvenir shop we liked many things, so that we could not decide on anything for our future apartment.
shifts. It is the same level, but it means a new challenge and I like that. There are many things to fix and move forward.
bought tickets to Phobia, row 8. See you up the front and deserves a good fan for many years.
processing my credit card. Damn, I knew that U2 was coming next year and I could not more dependent on someone to lend me their credit card for preorder whenever there are events of this type. So I went with my receipts Banamex fees, proof of address, identification and face I've never had a credit. The seller was wondering how to make you want to use? "Travel?, Old?," Christmas presents?, Why? ... to purchase tickets ...
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
How To Cutindian Dress
Now, sat head (or so my grandmother would say), and after 7 years I married Ari.
The wedding was very enjoyable, trouble is that for many the most fun was my bear in the church, first nerves that made me tremble all over, then the microfonazo father got me for not knowing the score ("with this hand ..."), and because some did not hear what she had to repeat and it took me a thousand years to know what to say ...
Anyway, I had a great time with Ari, and I think she liked the party that was important. Ahh how was rapid, after much waiting the moment!
If you were there you can bring moments of the wedding ...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Ice Skating Party Invitations

time ago that he felt the thrill of having a new game disc that I loved both. Last week I bought FIFA 06 (never bought the 05), and let me tell you it's a wonder.
Of course, every day I spend at least half an hour to practice my moves in the tournament, then take the game mode as administrator and go way up.
course, play with the Pumas. Yesterday I got a 4-1 repasón to America ... is that to win the console knows well, with two goals from De Nigris and two of Marioni.
If someone feels able to overcome, or at least make me a little competition, I hope in my home with your Xbox controller.
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Cystic Colloidal Goiter
Sunday, October 2, 2005
Pokemon Soul Silver Programmi Hack
Well, that was what happened to me, I suddenly saw in my mind so much money. Of course I knew there was something wrong, but how to investigate. Sifo Imagine calling the human resources or payroll to ask why I paid so much?; plane had no idea he had done so well to receive such a reward.
Of course, the day everything became clear. Researched and I realized, and I realized that the stupid illusion to me one day that they were wrong and that I placed another person's salary, which would surely have been making tremendous courage to see their payroll a salary like mine ... a tenth of theirs.
Anyway, I had to take money out of my account and returned to the company box. Damn
honesty, damn exciting!
Wraping Legs Around Men
A week earlier, my boss called me to ask which of the people working for me would have to be trimmed, 1 of 3 that I was in charge, I had to make a decision and release a name, with the hope that one miracle happened to save him.
I think this is more complicated from what I've gone through since I am chief I just hope it does not repeat anymore.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sound Blaster Audigy Front Panel Headphone
As you know, I'm not exactly the most fervent religious, but I kept more firmly in these two months where I had to do some kind of process to be fully worthy of the church and thus able to celebrate my wedding with Ari.
To get permission to marry had to fulfill the following requirements:
1. Away the church for the celebration. Cost $ 2,000.00
2. Update my faith
christening. Cost $ 50.00
3. Attending a talk at the church with my girlfriend,
along with my parents and hers, where among other things they ask you if you
customs "Raritan" (so said the father), that is, if you liked hitting
crooked or something. Cost $ 150.00
4. In my case I had to go three weeks
mass in my neighborhood to read my warnings. This was the worst phase
my process, as the father of my little community deserves to be the spokesperson for God
5. Warrants deliver the signed and sealed by the father of
my church community in Arizona to turn
there we hand over the permit so that we marry in another parish.
6. Submit
leave in the church where the ceremony will be held, along with a photo of each,
them that we forgot and had to go to a photo studio for
take us gave us in 5 minutes. Photos cost $ 70.00
7. Go to premarital counseling at a church south of the city and at the end of this hearing
mass. Cost $ 300.00
Very chida
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Do Reptiles Or Mammals Respire More?
the idea right?
Now not only can drink the honey of scorpion
greetings to the fans .... Phobia
have realized that I am a fan from group hell
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Side By Side Vehicle Comparisons, Quebec, Canada

about a week ago, Fobia, one of the groups that I think frankly fan, launched their new Rosa Venus. The material is certainly one of the most anticipated by those of my generation who grew up in an environment rocker, full of good bands then seeking to excel.
topics are distinguished as All Stars, two hearts and I think the best of all, very manic for me.
Fobia returned, if it can be said that ever was.
It remains to hope that the story that the group still writing is full of great music, as were his previous albums that actually marked the life of his friend Sifo (which curiously, in the bands that I never played a song by Fobia do fart cannon!).
A hug to all who like me, Fobia I got them a great joy with this album and hope and a new tour.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Z Mitologii Naprzód Był Bóg Nocy
Mambo no. 5 Lou Bega of ... the best of his video was when ending. When you went out of fashion all said and forbid, but we fell a Ketchup with a title I can not write and dancing around with such steps macarena but with two levels of difficulty.
voladoooooooor Cat! That itself was an insult to any eardrum, and that the success of a call grupazo symbol with songs that sound alike but have different dance instruction: "All up, all down", "Reverse mami in reverse. "
And of course, the scourge of any social event, " The rodeo clown" the topic where everyone stops to dance but not know the way and make the track an ant emulation with the hole plugged.
But it deserves special mention a group that not only was enough to have the most horrible name in history: Genitallica , (and who also plays the scrubbed); think these guys are also willing to have the worst name for an album in history ConseXcuencias ... and I thought that their previous albums were already very bad names, "or talks Spades" and "No Vaseline".
Or you, dear readers, have not suffered for songs like this?
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
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Friday, July 29, 2005
How Far Towel Ring From Sink
was hard to find you, among the spirits are walking difficult, and when I saw you crying, sad and sorry for the times you left to embrace me, how many times you deny an appointment or an evening under the big moon with the music behind us.
When the circle is closed when passed as a way of building not completed, the train does not stop hoping, just follow the front and falls into ravine in the ravine and you can not find anything alive. Your
distance was pure masochism endorsing a repentance absurd because there is nothing to do, unless you kill yourself and then see if the inferno or the afterlife is a place for us.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
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magismamas Luis Echeverría
It is not guilty of genocide by the Halconazo of June 10, 1971, only murder ... but as the prescribed fee, then the end is not guilty of anything, or as the song says "time erases the wounds."
Why is not genocide? Well, because of the protesters at the Thursday of Corpus to go shouting happens several did not know what they were shouting the same?
Slower. Judge Herlinda Velasco Villavicencio Antonia he shelved the investigation because as students chanted different (not opposite should be made clear), there were a group and so there is no genocide, only crime and murder but that prescribed.
This magismamas said:''It is not the offense of genocide, as laid down in Article 149 bis of the Federal Penal Code, because they do not set the national team uniform. In the student demonstration referred to the events of June 10, 1971, contingent chanted various different, proving that it was not a group with similar or homogeneous.''
For my part, dear magismamas, I wonder if your neurons were victims of genocide or murder, murder because they were probably thinking of different things, and and probably has more than 25 that do not work because there is no blame.
Mr. Echeverría, the story is wrong and you since October of 1968, as Secretary of the Interior, and later in June 1971 as president, is a GENOCIDAL . I wholeheartedly hope that in hell it will play a warm fire!
His beloved, surprising and emputadísimo friend, The Sifo ..
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Chicco Baby Walker How To Mount It ?
In the first picture you are, smiling under a beautiful ray of light and wavy hair that warned about the wind blowing in that place. I think 've never been this happy and Oaxaca gave you these moments. In the image just you, just in front of the huge structures that captivated you so much, there was not anyone else and maybe features would not guess the place, but how could I forget the light of your face on that day?
Now you, brother, baby, the youngest, the one day I made the most beautiful pictures that anyone can imagine. Gave it to me in the paths I still see the toys and bright colors for sure it was a clinical and below reading "Hospital for big kids." As I watched I knew it was a place for me. In your image you added what you could just a phrase that sometimes the absurd but we spent that day had greater significance than any words could have. I love you too. I want to get into your drawing and let me come back to draw with that love and well back.
Now comes my other brothers and my parents on any given day, long ago. Our house was small and we were forced to be together. It was not possible to forget those nights when my father arrived in the mood yet and we were about to see those programs that used humor to convey on national television. My mother sometimes we embraced and sheltered on the couch, me and my brothers the world knew little and weaknesses and that at that time were in what many call the center of society, the center of life itself. There was only this time, any joy was short compared to any other place slightly warm. Even now I'm sorry.
If there was a pet to remember it was you, an example of fidelity. However, the image that comes now is not the happiest, but the one that best illustrates the time you lived with us. At the door of the white gate was your body. That day in the morning I accompanied as always on the way to school and I could only give you a pat on the head as he saw me waving goodbye, but I did not realize. Returned to classes in tow and I did not think about you all day, I did not worry much, yeah sure you did it for me and I no longer had time to see me arrive safely. Thank you, what else could say, for having always your joy reflected in your head on my leg.
And the music, my dream of playing guitar met the red and all the rock in that space lighted silhouettes only let me guess you all and my grandmother in a soulful kiss on the eyes, those were always saying my grandfather and I have not returned, you, my friends stupidly dead sky bathed in blood, leaving a grief so deep and miserable.
di kisses do not know how, now one by one they are taking as a cascade, is just an image but I can feel again and again receive all the love in each printed. Some were really beautiful, so innocent others and some more with a passion that I have to admit I still exciting.
The holidays always meant a time I enjoyed with all the joy. The tree filled with white lights reflected in the fields and the colorful decorations and a show meant that little half-room lighting. The odors are special fragrance combines the tree branches, candles and all those newly off fruits that only reach the exquisite taste for the cold weather. I do not see more than that, the place of my childhood, where he ran before sunrise and discovered the magic of all those gifts. My fears
absurd and sound, so watch the cars, the streets where I left roads and surely helped me to imagine a story, my school and my teachers, some remembered only until today, I sitting, standing, in all possible positions that gives life; crying and laughing, hateful, in full fighting and sex, delicious sex ...
Someone told me, when you get there there is no time, everything ends, not true! I came here and I realize that it is only the sum of all time, all the while, an infinite sum and now I understand everything.
remember I asked some time and someone gave me. Die!
Thursday, June 9, 2005
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Brisket Vs London Broil
that day at the end of "gigs" and we expect a large group of police at the slightest provocation dealt a guamazo will not be you to put yourself go crazy. Many years have passed.
On Saturday June 4th will be in the history of Mexico City as the day it boiled coffee in the Zocalo. 170 000 people gathered with one goal: to listen (because it was impossible to see) a group that is on top of a brilliant career. Of course, your amazing friend Sifo was there, Ari, my brother and his companions.
Many could not live thinking that Chayanne was number 1 in terms of how assistance?, So wounded pride, rock and some not so (there are those who have learned only you) came together to reclaim what was always meant to be ours.
Great moments in the concert: Roco and Sax of the Damned on stage to play alongside the tacuba Pachuco, the choir classic Dance Hall, Flowers, and The ungrateful (it is danced in the Zocalo net) .. . the floor was moving under which peripheral passage of hundreds of trailers, so even if you did not want to jump.
Yes, the audio was not the best, some people only times we could see the screen, despite these buts, the night was formidable. Rain coffee in the socket and we all bathed in music.
The bad
Which dude comes up to take your baby to the concert. The girls go to the mass inside track thinking he had fainted at the center and out into the arms of his friends it was his fault and lost the best of the concert. The police doing fence (which there is not an iron worth as ten uniformed potbellied). Taxi drivers who want a night out so you do not chamber a week (140 pesos Reform "Eduardo Molina?, Or the airport!). One thing is mustard beside me and a flat lie a King Kong (it was bigger than a monkey).
I slouch
media, and stating that I work at one, which include 100 injured, when most of them were chavas faint from exhaustion, and only 16 ended in a hospital (none severe).
media forgot the musical phenomenon that just experienced, a real party with real artists who have risked everything and that their effort and quality that is reflected in a crowd eager to see it and gather around a beautiful thing : The music, there is no other excuse.
Many years have passed that first time with Café Tacuba to multiorgasmic this weekend. No doubt, music has been the best thing that happened.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Haunted Places On Eastern Shore Of Maryland
Why do you say to the face?, Simple, long ago that I've been walking behind him, but I do not favor creating a psychopath, I'm just a man who saw beauty and walked behind her for days and nights, looking at the floor value approach, in windows gallantry to face my infatuation, and gallantry in the windows for you to dare to talk to me.
And now that I finally dare to approach it that you do not have time. I tell you beforehand if it helps mine should only take one, so I would use it to walk behind you once you turn around. Looks like my time loses value without it, so why not use it to its best advantage.
What I want to say?, Simple: help me kill myself!, Just want to lose their lives into their hands, that's all I ask, and do not worry about the legal issues, for months in office this coat bag my message póstumo por si a alguien le interesa.
Lo digo en serio, y permítame contarle mi historia, tome un poco más de mi tiempo. Yo acordé suicidarme junto con la persona que amé, como ahora la amo a usted, pero al intentar disparar mutuamente las armas, ella falló debido al acertado misil de mi revólver. Ella, enamorada ensangrentada y sin fuerzas, no disparó ya contra mí dejándome infeliz en esta vida.
Tiene razón, hubiera sido fácil apuntarme y acabar con esto, pero entonces el sacrificio carecería de valor. Por eso caminé años buscando una persona de quien me enamorara y que me ayudara a cometer mi suicidio.
Así que déjeme regalarle lo que resta of my time and in return ask you just a lovely shot in the chest, see, I bring the gun she would use against me and never fired, I have oiled and loaded with bullets that did not use my beloved and I painted in my chest a circle just where she was shot.
took what my spare time and let me die at the hands of someone I love. And please, if after that I love you like me, take my coat revolver, fall in love and get killed, because there is no better way to die. Sorry I did not offer me to kill her, but love that kills only once.
Monday, May 16, 2005
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could you blame me for my lack of affection, but for me no problem, did not need to tell you that I loved, if only your body and pleasure than it got. Instead, I can criticize me more, I can blame that on my bedroom now only have to masturbate thinking of a skin and denied.
On those nights get your picture perfect to me, a slender body, barely caressed, sometimes so eager, sometimes nothing. Sometimes obscene and other immaculate. Before the semen comes out, I can imagine right for me, then you are a puppet for an instant prey to my wishes, I let you change the power to satisfy, to limit my pleasure to just one image, a souvenir of your body away.
Even after the farewell calls me honey, love like you guessed it was, but you had not found anyone else. Then come back again and again, tirelessly, with weighing yourself behind false relations created and believed; back because maybe inside you finally know what I wanted was your own body and that she loved him.
Then came the final, stupidly exhausted, but your picture is not clouded, not goodbye to me now come to claim their use in the most cruel possible. You, your body belongs to those who came and promised to love, I promised that in return you call love which you gave your body, all that I loved you.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
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Monday, April 18, 2005
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Do not tell me it has not happened? It that one is in full pedagogical, family reunion, seniors living together or just chatting with friends, when some creative say "here I have a guitar (or instrument that you, dear reader, touch) why do not we sing something" .
A little not feel like sending him to hell directito very smart because the thought of playing any instrument that also means we are singing or less so without shame to throw without pain cocks, also believe that implies that you know how to play has thrown the "Guitars pope" of recent weeks and are aware of how many songs can bark in their very limited musical knowledge.
plans once told me that if I knew one of Mana! Tell me, dear surfer, if not to hold the instrument (which also secure ever tried to learn to play the creative no avail) and break it against your head and do something good for humanity (low to the musicians) .
's as easy as this. No way that architects tell my buddies "to see, lie a building, or the doctor" that wave cirugéame. " I'm sure if you have, dear reader, a prostitute friend is not going to say "lie down to see one," much to be your friend and well tipa charges. With
farting is easy, you ask for a song, you throw yourself the "chun Tatan" that is, and the dudes sing as if the knew you seriously (that I learned from Canyon, greetings). But short of that is believed knowledgeable and / or musical taster when you start playing you say "so do not go" ... Tell me, do not feel like doing a favor to the soul of Hendrix, Joplin, Cobain and others, and on behalf of the Holy Matuda musical knowledge to introduce such a place other than the ear.
So, friends, get in line this show:
>> Learn to play does not mean that we sing (in my case).
>> Those who play an instrument we are not clowns or fools ready to entertain at their meetings.
>> We are reluctant to touch things like Mana, Jarabe de Palo, Arjona, etc.
>> No I'm excited to play with people who can only hear what they already know.
>> The Sifo not teaching a half hour to stop the neck in front of his girlfriend at the next meeting.
>> If you ever have failed to apologize for these items was fart and farts all is forgiven.
If you, esteemed visitor, has suffered from these attacks, we expect their solidarity and unique suggestions for a manifesto.
His friend, the amazing Sifo
Monday, April 4, 2005
What Tablets Can Kill You
Saturday April 2, 2005, many of whom live we had the luck (good or bad) to live the closing of a chapter in history. From days earlier, on Friday to be specific, we see an intense battle between the television to be the first to break the news. Hours and hours of transmission, repeated comments, specialists came and went, some correspondents who sought to Mexico to face tell what was in Vatican City, and the interruption of all programs, not in the court were to happen, and the second (position as a TV in Mexico is close to being the last) in the news.
Also, as a thump on the head, we realized that the Pope had correctly fulfilled its function: evangelization.
26 years were enough for Carol to keep us all pending an endless transmission, 26 years for absolutely all of the world's media will give the main note, the eight, so that in all corners of the world are repeated scenes pain among believers.
The story will not be the same without John Paul II, a being who experienced the war firsthand, he suffered attacks on their person, who traveled to more countries than I know the name and did the unthinkable: to apologize for the crimes (well known ) of the Church, reaching out to other religions, many TAS contradictory to their beliefs.
do not agree with many of the ideas of the Pope, but seriously, I see it as one of the most iconic creatures of the twentieth century and the beginning of this. Now I see you want to put that spin on your finger and use the shoes of the fisherman.
The insincerity of the penalty
Curiously, in the last days of the Pope's life that people just listen I kept praying for God a few years ... I never heard anyone say, that already takes you, hopefully at last rest.
And is that with the death of every person we meet we will something, so sometimes prefer their suffering to our neglect. What we do, we humans are selfish?
With tears stay well
And of course, do not miss the tears that filled the candle lying. No doubt the sincerity of the feelings and the polls are not my thing but I wish there was a way to measure the real cry of someone who is suffering, and differentiate it from the tears I believe that the deceased threw sees us and that was well before him and the heavenly authorities.
My experience
Not Fox, not Madrazo, or soccer
AMLO dissemination ruled spaces for weeks with no power to take away the front page, but finally had to courage, but either way, there are levels and Pope is at least some (many) steps up international fame. Peje, you hold, even as polls favor and return the eight columns once you are in the Chamber of Deputies and defend his street (many in Mexico are needed and you want to lock up for that.)
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Why Mouthwash Burning
Ever hear of a musician who I respect very much "that the rock we choose," that is, we do not choose to be rockers, gender is for us and leads us anywhere. If so, sometimes had prayed that Mr. Rock (which certainly has kills) also had chosen to others with whom I live.
Not that I like other music, I enjoy jazz, Cuban music, the beautiful ska, bolero and more ... but what really set the pace of my life is the rock, what we do, so is the Matuda.
But in my life I had to swim against the tide, I spent years fighting Timbiriche albums and my brother Luis Miguel Edgar and now book incomprehensible battle against Alfredo Intocable materials, my younger brother. Okay!, Intocable becomes cool (there are even songs that I know), but sometimes not conceive without a keg over and stable emotional situations. With Daniel I had no problems.
Ari likes salsa, cumbia and other rhythms not qualified as my favorite. Of course I like amorísimo boyfriend have an open ear to their records, and in fact she has done to my music, even enjoyed great concert with me and share the love of The Cure.
The problem is that when I come to a party, nightclub or similar, I have to mainline for hours (very long) of music that gets me, and worse, when I ask to my album, or throw me to the plane where an individual cabin DJ is created (just push play), to ask for something that has less than a distorted guitar, they see me as a weirdo who walks fart (by the way, do not go to Asha ...).
The worst is when you get to a bar that says rock and 12:00 pm, like Cinderella, just the charm and sound "snail soup" (I thought I had left the obligatory list of parties .
So, determined as I am, I ask your understanding in this individual who has suffered discrimination in many ways musical, at last, as my friend Lalocura, I demand only what I offer ... that's a tall order.
(By the way, if you use boots is not bad because we of the feet)
Sunday, March 27, 2005
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As you can see I have just created my blog. From this I had heard some friends, but it was until my brother showed me his (blog) that I decided to see what it is.
So soon will hear more of his amazing friend Sifo through this page.